
The Induced 'Rainbow Child'

A pathway to distress via inducement, is explained above (4 min clip). You're invited to join Penny and Elisabeth on a live webinar this Tuesday 17th Sept.

Definition of ‘induce’

To induce is “to lead or move by persuasion or influence, as to some action or state of mind. To bring about, produce, or cause”. - Dictionary.com

In the timeline illustrated above, Elisabeth Cave takes us on a journey of how our children are being taken along a journey that is not ‘naturally occurring’ but is induced. Created. Curated.

Watch Elisabeth’s full message here (part 2 of our recent roadshow):

Let Kids Be Kids
What’s Going On With Our Kids? - Roadshow Part 2 - Identity Disruption
This content will be eye-opening for parents and grandparents… We hope it is insightful for those in the education system, or who have recently departed from it. The conversation around what is happening in our education system (whether in early childhood, school or university) in NZ and worldwide is an urgent one…
Listen now

WHY is this be being done to our children?

The WHY question is a big one. It’s a vast and complicated web, trying to work out WHY. Perhaps it’s easier first understand HOW they are doing it, and WHO is doing it. It’s happening in education, and in many other facets of society too. It seems like it’s everywhere our children are.

HOW and WHO are big questions too… the more one looks, the more the people involved are found to be interconnected. And provided with large amounts of money, influence, and recognition.

The funding that drives this ‘inducement’ of a child down the pathway of becoming a ‘rainbow (or ‘trans’) child’ comes from central and local government, and the biggest corporations, trusts and foundations in NZ. (And it’s happening all over the Western world).

Inducing rainbow children is BIG business. When one sees this, it is easier to understand why THEY MUST NOT BE QUESTIONED OR CRITICISED. They stand to lose their profits, their ‘market’.

The organisations and charities which participate in inducing our children, primarily:

  • Lobby the government, which results in legislation and policy changes in every facet of society.

  • Promote their message to everyone, including children. They have slick marketing and PR strategies, develop ‘training’ resources and spread the same messages again and again. Everywhere.

And it’s been going on for YEARS.

Support Let Kids Be Kids

Well planned, well funded psychological warfare

The people who win from this societal shift and inducement of children, also control the airwaves and legacy media. That’s why we don’t see a balanced conversation in most parts, unless you’re digging, or connected to others courageous enough to question the mainstream narrative (of which there are, thankfully, growing numbers).

It’s a hard conversation to have with most people who aren’t digging. Including the majority of parents.

Join us on Tuesday 17th September 7:30pm (NZ time)

This Tuesday, Penny and Elisabeth are guests on NZRising’s live call - we’d love see you there. Pop it in your diary! We’ll be chatting about some key points from our recent roadshow, and we invite your questions and discussion.

Click to join the Zoom


Our recent Roadshow

Our roadshow is now out, in 3 parts. Find them on our recent Substack posts, Rumble, Facebook, X and Telegram channels. Choose your preference and please share around.

“I just spent about two hours watching these three parts to a live presentation by Let Kids Be Kids on the social engineering that is being attempted upon society, with our children as the target. Every New Zealander deserves to know this information." - Feedback on X

Let Kids Be Kids
What’s Going On With Our Kids? - Roadshow Part 1 - The Big Picture
We are bringing you our roadshow in three posts/videos…
Listen now

See you at the NZDSOS Conference

We will be at the NZDSOS Empowering Change Conference:

  • Christchurch (Sept 21)

  • Auckland (Sept 28).

If you’re going, please visit us, we’d love to meet you.

Find us in the Exhibitors area. We’ll have apparel and bumper stickers for sale. Take away some fliers to help have the brave conversations in your community, and connect with the local groups that we’re currently forming.

NZDSOS Conference tickets are available here.

Want to support Let Kids Be Kids?

We’re committed to informing and empowering parents, grandparents, community leaders, families - and our children! To support us, check out our Donate page- and thank you!

Get in touch

If you want to connect with other like-minded parents, grandparents, adults about these topics, contact us - we’re growing a network throughout NZ.

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