It's D Day For The NZ Ministry Of Health Puberty Blocker Consultation
On the consultation, submission, having your say, and what this may mean
You are invited to submit
If you want to have your say on the “Consultation on safety measures for the use of puberty blockers in young people with gender-related health needs” - get in before 5pm today, Monday 20th January 2025.
Disclaimer: This article is an op-ed by Let Kids Be Kids Founder Penny Marie, and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of others in the Let Kids Be Kids network.
Why is there even a consultation?
Ministry of Health staff ALREADY KNOW WHAT THEY SHOULD DO…
On 21 November 2024 the Ministry of Health published its evidence brief and position statement on puberty blockers (PB’s).
The Evidence Review found a lack of good quality evidence for the effectiveness or safety of puberty blocking treatment in young people with gender dysphoria. We do not have good evidence to say that the medicines used improve the longer-term outcomes for young people with gender-related health needs – nor that the potential longer-term risks are low. - Source
So this is what they know already:
No evidence PB’s are safe or effective
No evidence PB’s improve long term outcomes
No evidence that long term risks are low (IE risks may be high).
Given that this is about pre-pubescent children, and they admit that they don’t have evidence that children experiencing ‘gender dysphoria’ should be prescribed PB’s at all, should we (and they) instead be demanding an INVESTIGATION, rather than a CONSULTATION?
Let Kids Be Kids is a grassroots, supporter-funded group, and we value your support - check out support options here.
Is the consultation neutral?
The consultation questions appear to funnel or force respondents to agree with the MOH that ‘gender incongruence’ is a naturally occurring phenomenon and medicalisation is a valid solution.
Survey quality is in question
The survey is poorly constructed if the desired outcome is to be neutral, and pretty well constructed if they are driving to a particular response.
Question 1:
Wording and sentence structure
The consultation seems to first require the respondent to acknowledge that ‘gender-related health needs’ and a medicalised response to these health needs is a valid discussion to be having.
It’s not really wanting people who dispute the root cause of ‘gender-related health needs’ to participate, is it? This, is firmly outside the scope of this consultation. Why?
If they truly cared about our kids, they’d be heading further up-river
Some suggested questions we could ask instead, if we truly want solutions… (but who is going to ask, given the bases are loaded with gender ideological believers in our government ministries and their advisory bodies?):
Why are our prepubescent children experiencing gender distress at a rate never seen before?
What are all of the contributing factors?
What messages are they receiving from the outside world?
Who is providing these messages to our children?
Why? Who benefits? Who profits?
Are our children healthier after succumbing to these messages?
Why the hyper focus on gender confusing messages?
Have the children experiencing gender distress/confusion got other contributing factors and conditions?
Are there other non medical and medical options offered to these children?
Are parents included and valued through the diagnosis and recovery plan process?
Who are the key influencers of children experiencing gender distress?
Is the data the govt and it’s agencies referring to, of high quality?
Who is funding the research on gender dysphoria?
What NZ Govt pharmaceutical contracts are in place for Leuprorelin? Who profits?
If this consultation is not about the ethics of medicalising gender distressed children, what is it about? Wellbeing of children? Money? Creating patients? Dare I say it… Eugenics?
Is gender dysphoria naturally occurring?
During our 2024 Roadshow, Elisabeth Cave summarised a pathway to gender distress that children are being exposed to ‘The Induced ‘Rainbow Child’’. Watch her 4 minute explanation:
Why do they ask us to ‘submit’?
Submission: A yielding to authority. - Blacks Law Dictionary First Edition
Is the process of ‘submission’ a way for the government to say ‘we asked the people, and they submitted, so now we make our decisions and they have given authority of the decision making over to us, by way of their submission’?
Submission: In practice: A submission is a covenant by which persons who have a lawsuit or different with one another name arbitrators to decide the matter, and bind themselves reciprocally to perform what shall be arbitrated. - Blacks Law Dictionary First Edition
This has been such a tough one
Those of us who question PB’s and are ‘gender critical’ have wholly struggled with this consultation as we see its flaws and one-sidedness. In a passionate effort to do our bit, many of us have spent hours pouring over the conundrum and the wording, to meet today’s deadline (which has also been through ‘summer break’ for many, we’re sure that timing was deliberate).
And it’s just one of a number of significant consultations in our nation at this time (Treaty Principles, Gene Technology Bill come to mind). Why is this all coming at us at once? And are any of them true consultations?
Stellar submissions to check out
All this said, there is strength in numbers (if anyone is listening). Here are some excellent submissions. If have not completed your own submission, but would like to, and check out Family First Puberty Blocker Facts.
How many of the LGBTQIA+ lobbyists are parents?
The LGBTQIA+ lobbyists are out in force giving their supporters step by step instructions on how to submit.
It’s mind-bending to see the effort these activists go to, to want to ensure that the NZ govt not only keeps giving OUR CHILDREN PB’s. It’s one of the most important questions we must be asking.
Mentioned in our earlier post:
We’ll finish with this…
We must call into question the ‘experts’ who make decisions at the top level. At 4 min Dr Andrew Marshall marches out the lie that NOT giving gender distressed youngsters PBs causes higher suicide risk. Thanks again Bob and Family First for this one, and for raising the alarm bells for a long time on behalf of our children and families…
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Let Kids Be Kids is a grassroots, supporter-funded group, and we value your support - check out support options here.