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I think it is beyond appalling that so many NZ kids leave school functionally illiterate and innumerate, but they know the names and sexual predilections of 97 genders.

"Queer theory has a moral imperative to reject, disrupt and subvert scientific claims and common sense about gender, sexuality and even sex. Queer theorists spend no time acknowledging that biological realities exist and almost all of their time rejecting them and asserting the social construction of those categories." https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/queer-theory-and-transactivism-supporting

"Imbuing children with adult sexuality causes harm." https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-parents Some of today's schools are little more that cult indoctrinators, more fixated on ideological claptrap, than any actual education.

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Hi Robin, yes and it's so important to help more parents dig a bit deeper into what's going on in schools... so that they are fully aware of what's going on with their kids. Thank you so much for the Substack links in your comment!

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This is disgusting. The fact that you people are claiming the queers to be running a brainwashing cult when that is functionally what you are calling for is laughable. I'm embarrassed to call myself a Kiwi at this point. These kids are trying to be kids, they are trying to be themselves but you are telling them that who and what they are is wrong as It doesn't fit your narrow little worldview. If you actually thought about anything in this article for more than a second you would realize that these initiatives are there to provide support for those in need. At no point is anyone anywhere forcing your kids to be queer, queer people exist on their own and we should be supportive of them and their decisions. There is no indoctrination, or cult like activity going on, only education of the "biological reality", which is that what is between your legs does not define who you are or who you love. The only forcing or indoctrination that happens is when people like start telling children that they shouldn't like who or what they like because they don't it. Bullshit point about they/them as always. They/them pronouns have ALWAYS meant to refer to individuals of unknown gender. Not that hard to wrap your head around. If you do have trouble with basic pronouns maybe you should've paid more attention in class. I very specifically remember as a child myself in school spending sweet bugger all time in sex ed but it was usefull and informative because ya know, I have those parts on my body and want to know about them. On the flip side I also remember being forced to watch and participate in whatever Christian bullcrap "Cool Bananas" was supposed to be (Standard public school in the early 2000s). It's genuinely rediculous to think sex ed with a little bit of inclusivity is harming kids, it's NOT educating them that causes issues. The fact that you think teaching kids about their bodies and how to appropriately approach others gives them an "adult sexuality" is a pretty large jump to a conclusion, does no one remember being a child when some hair started growing in strange places and your body started changing shape? No we should just hide it from them so that our future generations continue to be ignorant? Pretend like these things don't happen, pretend like these people don't exist then you can live in your little echo chamber where everyone has the same thoughts and nothing ever changes. How about we all just mind our OWN damn business when it comes to your own preferences. The only harmful thing about little Timmy wearing a dress is when you people say "No you can't do that you're a Boy" instead of just pissing off and letting them be a kid (Notice how easy it was to use they/them pronouns). Grow up

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Hi Sefton, we see that your profile is 'Embarrassedbynz'. Is it possible that you're just trolling Substack accounts to share your distaste of people who are doing research and analysis that you don't like? Our questions to you are:

- Are you a parent of school-aged children?

- Did you read the article and references?

You have strong anti Christian sentiments. We're not a religious organisation, so it's not clear what relevance your comments have to the content in our post. It's ok to disagree with us, but you won't shut down parents who love their children. We have just as much right to be here as you, and if disagreeing with us causes you 'embarrassment', that says more about you than us.

We agree with you about your comments about boys dressing up as girls, which our guest mentions in our latest interview. Her son dressed up in a Minnie Mouse dress for months when he was little, but it didn't mean he was a girl, nor that he wanted to be a girl. What kids are learning in school these days however is that if you do this, you might be 'born in the wrong body'... that message is not healthy for anyone.


Thanks 'EmbarrassedbyNZ'

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You couldโ€™ve actually had that rant over and done with in 1 or 2 sentences bud. I was yawning and contemplating grabbing some match sticks to hold my eyelids open by the end of it.

Anywaysโ€ฆhope ya feel better now.

Itโ€™s always nice to see freedom of speech, even if it is terribly painful. Bless youโ€ฆand Iโ€™m praying your world view works out for ya.


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