Most parents are completely unaware of what is being taught to our kids. Spread the word. This sort of identity disruption - taught under the well-meaning but very misguided guise of “inclusivity” and “kindness” - is actually really damaging to the vulnerable quirky / autistic kids who are much more likely to soak this up and fall down the gender rabbit-hole with their tendency to obsess, hyper-focus, and ruminate on identity issues. We need to stop messing with kids’ minds at such a tender stage of identity & psycho-social development. No wonder there’s a youth mental health crisis. Let kids be kids for goodness sake!

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Half a human? Inclusiveness at its must riculous level.

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The sickness is deep and deliberate.


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It sure is. The problem is that most are still unaware. Awareness is slowly growing, the more people speak about it. And, sadly, the worse it gets!

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This could happen here. This girl transitioned herself to death: https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/rip-griffin-sivret

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Nothing a texter pen or paint brush cant fix..govts not gona fix it, schools not gona fix it, u the peeps who r pissed of can fix it..

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