Recommended by Let Kids Be Kids
Exposing a hidden process of identity disruption done in schools through certain materials, which induce children to be insecure, distressed and ripe for the imposition of the next stage - gender ideology. And, how to heal and restore a whole identity.
Elisabeth Cave is exposing 'Identity Disruption'. It's much bigger than 'gender'. We thank Elisabeth for joining the Let Kids Be Kids NZ-wide roadshow (April-July '24), sharing her findings and empowering parents and educators.
Penny Marie is an independent reporter, researcher, speaker and coach.
The PEN is mightier than the sword...
The PENdulum is swinging back to the TRUTH in all things.
Penny Marie is the Founder of Let Kids Be Kids. Pendulum is her independent reporter Substack, where she talks about other topics too.
Personal Stories and Essays by Parents Impacted by Transgender Ideology -
PITT has stories from parents of children and teens who have been taken in my the biggest medical scandal in history. If you are a parent of a child who believes they are born in the wrong body, we recommend this Substack.